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List Corpora.

List Corpora.

Query Parameters
    limit int32

    The maximum number of results to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, the service will choose a sensible default. The maximum allowed value is 1000.

    offset int32

    The number of entries in the result set to skip.

    teamId string

    If specified, only corpora owned by the specified team will be returned. Otherwise, corpora owned by the user making the request will be returned.

    public boolean

    If true, only public corpora will be returned.



    corpora object[]

    The list of corpora.

  • Array [
  • corpusId string

    The unique ID of this corpus.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    owner object

    Represents a Fixie Principal. A Principal is an owner of an object in Fixie, which can represent either an individual User or a Team.

    user object

    Represents a single Fixie User.

    userId string

    The unique user ID for this user.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    email string

    The email address for this user.

    fullName string

    The name of the user. This is only used for display purposes.

    avatarUrl string

    The URL of the avatar image for this user.

    created date-time

    When this user was created.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    modified date-time

    When this user was last modified.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    apiToken string

    The user's API token. This is only populated when a user accesses their own account information.

    lastLogin date-time

    When this user last logged in.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    subscriptions object[]

    The subscriptions for this user.

  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique ID for this subscription.

    type enum


    The type of subscription this represents.

    state enum


    The state of this subscription.

    description string

    A description of this subscription.

    created date-time

    When this subscription was created. This may not represent when the subscription was active, due to backdating.

    modified date-time

    When this subscription was last modified.

    startTime date-time

    The timestamp when this subscription starts.

    endTime date-time

    The timestamp when this subscription ends. If this subscription is active and has not been canceled, it will renew at this time.

  • ]
  • team object

    Represents a Fixie Team.

    teamId string

    The unique ID for this team.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    displayName string

    The display name for this team.

    description string

    The description for this team.

    avatarUrl string

    The URL of the avatar image for this team.

    members object[]

    The members of this Team.

  • Array [
  • teamId string

    The team ID.

    user object

    The user that is a member of this Team.

    userId string

    The unique user ID for this user.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    email string

    The email address for this user.

    fullName string

    The name of the user. This is only used for display purposes.

    avatarUrl string

    The URL of the avatar image for this user.

    created date-time

    When this user was created.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    modified date-time

    When this user was last modified.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    apiToken string

    The user's API token. This is only populated when a user accesses their own account information.

    lastLogin date-time

    When this user last logged in.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    subscriptions object[]

    The subscriptions for this user.

  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique ID for this subscription.

    type enum


    The type of subscription this represents.

    state enum


    The state of this subscription.

    description string

    A description of this subscription.

    created date-time

    When this subscription was created. This may not represent when the subscription was active, due to backdating.

    modified date-time

    When this subscription was last modified.

    startTime date-time

    The timestamp when this subscription starts.

    endTime date-time

    The timestamp when this subscription ends. If this subscription is active and has not been canceled, it will renew at this time.

  • ]
  • role object

    The user's role on the Team.

    isAdmin boolean

    True if the user is an admin for the team.

    pending boolean

    Whether the membership is pending acceptance of an invitation by the user.

    created date-time

    When this membership was created.

    modified date-time

    When this membership was last modified.

  • ]
  • created date-time

    When this team was created.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    modified date-time

    When this team was last modified.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    subscriptions object[]

    The subscriptions for this team.

  • Array [
  • id string

    The unique ID for this subscription.

    type enum


    The type of subscription this represents.

    state enum


    The state of this subscription.

    description string

    A description of this subscription.

    created date-time

    When this subscription was created. This may not represent when the subscription was active, due to backdating.

    modified date-time

    When this subscription was last modified.

    startTime date-time

    The timestamp when this subscription starts.

    endTime date-time

    The timestamp when this subscription ends. If this subscription is active and has not been canceled, it will renew at this time.

  • ]
  • displayName string

    The human-readable name for this corpus.

    created date-time

    When this corpus was created.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    modified date-time

    When this corpus was last modified.

    This field should not be populated in client requests.

    stats object

    The current stats for a corpus. This gives an indication of whether the corpus is queryable and what sorts of results can be expected.

    status enum


    The current status of this corpus, indicating whether it is queriable.

    lastUpdated date-time

    The last time a job completed for any source in this corpus.

    numChunks string

    The total number of chunks in this corpus. Chunks are subsets of documents sized to respect context window limitations of LLMs.

    numDocs string

    The total number of documents in this corpus.

    numVectors string

    The total number of vectors in this corpus. Vectors are used for semantic search. Multiple vectors may correspond to a single chunk.

    description string

    A human-readable description of this corpus.

    public boolean

    Whether this corpus is public. A public corpus can be queried by any user or agent. (These are generally used only for examples. End users may not create public corpora.)

    jobCallbacks object[]

    Callbacks to execute when jobs reach particular states.

  • Array [
  • stateFilter enum[] required


    The callback will be triggered when a Job enters one of these states.

    webhook object

    A Webhook callback. When a job reaches the specified state, a POST request will be sent to the specified URL. The WebhookBody can be serialized as JSON or Protobuf depending on the Content-Type header and will be filtered based on the provided FieldMask. Also see fixie_api.corpus.v1.WebhookBody.

    url string required

    The URL to POST to.

    headers object

    The HTTP headers to send. Include a Content-Type header to explicitly choose how the Job is serialized. If no Content-Type is provided, we'll use JSON (and add the appropriate application/json header).

    property name* string
    bodyFieldMask field-mask

    A FieldMask to apply to the body before serializing it. If not provided, all fields will be included.

    doNotRetry boolean

    If set, the callback will only be attempted once even if the request fails. Otherwise failures will be retried a few times with backoff between them.

    email object

    An email callback. When a job reaches the specified state, an email will be sent to the specified recipients.

    to object[] required
  • Array [
  • name string
    email string required
  • ]
  • corpusStatusFilter enum[]


    The callback will only be sent if the corpus is in one of these states at the trigger time.

    rateLimit object

    A simple rate limit.

    numRequests int32

    The number of events allowed per duration.

    window string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]{0,11})(?:\.[0-9]{1,9})?s$

    The duration over which the events are allowed. This defines a rolling window.

  • ]
  • ]
  • pageInfo object

    Information about the page of results returned.

    requestedPageSize int32

    The number of results requested.

    requestedOffset int32

    The offset specified in the request.

    totalResultCount int32

    The total number of results available.
