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List Chunks.

List Chunks.

Path Parameters
    corpusId string required

    The corpus to list chunks in.

Query Parameters
    limit int32

    The maximum number of results to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, the service will choose a sensible default. The maximum allowed value is 1000.

    offset int32

    The number of entries in the result set to skip.



    chunks object[]

    The list of chunks.

  • Array [
  • corpusId string

    The corpus this chunk belongs to.

    chunkId string

    The unique ID of this chunk.

    originalSourceId string

    The source ID and document ID of the document from which this chunk was originally derived, if it still exists.

    originalDocumentId string
    created date-time

    When this chunk was initially created.

    content string

    The text content of this chunk.

    vectorsCount int32

    The number of embedded vectors that correspond to this chunk.

  • ]
  • pageInfo object

    Information about the page of results returned.

    requestedPageSize int32

    The number of results requested.

    requestedOffset int32

    The offset specified in the request.

    totalResultCount int32

    The total number of results available.
