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List Conversations

List Conversations

Path Parameters
    agentId string required
Query Parameters
    offset integer

    The number of entries in the result set to skip.

    limit integer

    The maximum number of results to return. The service may return fewer than this value. If unspecified, the service will choose a sensible default. The maximum allowed value is 100.



    conversations object[] required

    The returned list of Conversations.

  • Array [
  • id string required

    The unique ID of this conversation.

    turns object[] required

    The messages in this conversation.

  • Array [
  • id string required

    The unique ID of the message.

    timestamp date-time required

    The time the message was sent.

    role enum required

    Possible values: [user, assistant]

    The sender of the message. Messages sent via the API are user messages; messages generated by an agent are assistant messages.

    messages object[] required

    The typed message fragments.

  • Array [
  • anyOf

    kind string required

    Possible values: [text]

    content string required

    The message text.

    state string

    Possible values: [in-progress, done]

    Indicates whether content within this fragment is still streaming. Note that this may be in-progress even if message-level state is not, which indicates that this particular fragment was incomplete at the time the message generation stopped.

    metadata object

    Additional user- or agent-provided metadata.

  • ]
  • state enum required

    Possible values: [in-progress, done, stopped, error]

    For agent-generated messages, indicates the status of the generation. User-sent messages are always done.

    errorDetail string

    Indicates details of the error for agent-generated messages in the error state.

    inReplyToId string

    For agent-generated messages, indicates the user message that the message was in reply to.

  • ]
  • ]
  • pageInfo object required

    Information about the current page of results.

    requestedPageSize integer

    The number of results requested.

    requestedOffset integer

    The offset specified in the request.

    totalResultCount integer

    The total number of results available.
