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Get Conversation

Get Conversation

Path Parameters
    conversationId string required


    id string required

    The unique ID of this conversation.

    turns object[] required

    The messages in this conversation.

  • Array [
  • id string required

    The unique ID of the message.

    timestamp date-time required

    The time the message was sent.

    role enum required

    Possible values: [user, assistant]

    The sender of the message. Messages sent via the API are user messages; messages generated by an agent are assistant messages.

    messages object[] required

    The typed message fragments.

  • Array [
  • anyOf

    kind string required

    Possible values: [text]

    content string required

    The message text.

    state string

    Possible values: [in-progress, done]

    Indicates whether content within this fragment is still streaming. Note that this may be in-progress even if message-level state is not, which indicates that this particular fragment was incomplete at the time the message generation stopped.

    metadata object

    Additional user- or agent-provided metadata.

  • ]
  • state enum required

    Possible values: [in-progress, done, stopped, error]

    For agent-generated messages, indicates the status of the generation. User-sent messages are always done.

    errorDetail string

    Indicates details of the error for agent-generated messages in the error state.

    inReplyToId string

    For agent-generated messages, indicates the user message that the message was in reply to.

  • ]